
Transform Your Smile with Dentures

We will give you something to smile about

Our experienced dentists specialize in fabricating high-quality dentures that can restore your smile and improve your quality of life. Whether you need partial dentures, complete dentures, immediate dentures, or implant-supported dentures, we have the expertise to create a customized solution just for you. We are proud to offer multilingual services, including Spanish, Farsi, Urdu, and more, ensuring effective communication throughout your denture journey.

What are the different types of dentures?

Explore what type of denture is right for you

Partial Dentures

Our skilled team at Don River Dental, your North York dentist, offers custom-crafted partial dentures to replace one or more missing teeth while preserving the health of your remaining natural teeth. These removable dentures are designed to seamlessly blend with your existing teeth, providing a functional and aesthetically pleasing solution.

Complete Dentures

As your trusted North York dentist, we understand the impact of complete tooth loss on your quality of life. Our expert team at Don River Dental specializes in creating full arch complete dentures that restore your smile, speech, and chewing ability. We focus on crafting dentures that fit comfortably and provide the natural appearance you desire.

Immediate Dentures

At Don River Dental, your North York dentist, we offer immediate dentures as a temporary tooth replacement option. These dentures are placed immediately after tooth extraction, allowing you to have a complete smile throughout the healing process. Our team will ensure a precise fit for optimal comfort and aesthetics.

Implant-Supported Dentures

 Implant-supported dentures or over dentures combine the stability of dental implants with the convenience of dentures. As your North York dentist, our experienced team at Don River Dental can anchor your dentures securely to dental implants, providing exceptional stability, improved chewing ability, and a more natural feel compared to traditional dentures.

Each denture is created custom from start to finish to ensure a perfect fit and function for you.


Why you should consider getting a denture?

When you experience tooth loss, replacing the missing teeth is essential for maintaining your oral health and overall well-being. Dentures provide an effective solution to restore your smile, improve your ability to eat and speak comfortably, and boost your self-confidence. At Don River Dental, we offer high-quality dentures that are custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly. Let's explore the benefits of getting a denture instead of leaving the space empty:

  • Enhanced Chewing Function: Dentures allow you to chew food properly, ensuring that you can enjoy a varied and nutritious diet.
  • Improved Speech: Dentures help to restore your ability to pronounce words correctly, improving your speech clarity and confidence.
  • Restored Facial Aesthetics: By filling in the gaps left by missing teeth, dentures help maintain the natural contours of your face, preventing a sagging or sunken appearance.
  • Increased Self-Confidence: Dentures provide a beautiful and natural-looking smile, allowing you to feel more confident in social and professional settings.
  • Support for Adjacent Teeth: Dentures help to prevent the remaining teeth from shifting or tilting into the gaps, maintaining proper dental alignment.
  • Preservation of Jawbone: By occupying the space left by missing teeth, dentures help stimulate the underlying jawbone, preserving its strength and preventing bone loss.
  • Customized to Fit Your Mouth: Dentures are custom-made to fit your unique mouth shape, providing a comfortable and secure fit.
  • Convenient and Easy to Maintain: Dentures are removable, making them easy to clean and maintain, contributing to good oral hygiene.

These are just a few of the many benefits of choosing dentures to replace missing teeth. Our experienced team at Don River Dental will guide you through the process, ensuring you receive high-quality dentures that meet your individual needs and restore your smile's functionality and aesthetics.

The Denture Fabrication Process

Every patient is unique and so is our solution but fabricating dentures can be generally broken down to 4 steps. If you have any questions regarding these steps and dentures in general, don't hesitate to give our team a call. We're always here to help you find the best solution!

  • Step 1: Consultation and Examination

    One of the most important parts of dentures is your initial consultation. Our team will capture X-rays and conduct a visual examination to determine how we should plan your treatment. We will assess your oral health, discuss your goals, and determine the best denture option for you.

  • Step 2: Impressions and Measurements

    We'll take precise impressions and measurements of your mouth to ensure a comfortable and accurate fit. The impressions will be shared with the lab to ensure they are accurate. With accurate impressions captured, the lab will start fabricating your denture. 

  • Step 3: Trial Fittings

    You'll have trial fittings to ensure the dentures fit properly and make any necessary adjustments for optimal comfort and aesthetics. This step may be more than one appointment as we need to ensure perfect fitting before finalizing the denture. 

  • Step 4: Final Placement

    Once your dentures are ready, we'll ensure they are securely placed, making any final adjustments if needed.

Denture Repairs and Reline

Restoring Comfort and Functionality: Denture Repair and Reline Services in North York Over time, your dentures may require repairs or relines to maintain their optimal fit and function.

  • Denture Repair: If your dentures become damaged or broken, contact us immediately for efficient repairs to avoid further complications.
  • Denture Relines: If your dentures become loose or uncomfortable, it may be time for a denture reline to restore their proper fit and comfort. We recommend regular relines every few years.

Every smile is unique. So is every budget.

We understand that cost is a consideration, and we strive to make our denture services affordable. We offer transparent pricing and flexible financing options to help you achieve your dream smile without financial strain. During your consultation, we will discuss the costs involved and provide detailed information on our financing plans.

We offer in-house financing and we are able to break down the total payment into 2 or 3 monthly installments depending on the treatment plan.

In addition, our partnership with LendCare allows us to offer you flexible financing options so you can begin treatment sooner rather than later. Low monthly payments are accepted by direct deposit, check deposits, and debit card transactions.

Options include:

  • No down payment
  • Loan terms from 36 to 60 months
  • Merchant rates as low as 1%

Are you ready to get the smile you love?

 Book an appointment or give us a call to learn more about dentures and financing options!

Maintaining your dentures

  • What should I do in the first 24-48 hours after receiving dentures?

    • Follow any specific instructions provided by your dentist.
    • Keep your dentures in your mouth for the first 24 hours to allow your gums to adjust and heal.
    • Avoid removing and inserting your dentures repeatedly during this initial period.
    • Rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution to reduce any discomfort or swelling.
  • How do I handle any discomfort or sore spots?

    • It's common to experience some discomfort or sore spots initially as your mouth adjusts to the dentures.
    • If you notice any sore spots, contact your dentist for an adjustment.
    • Avoid attempting to adjust your dentures yourself, as this can cause further problems.
  • Can I eat normally with dentures?

    • Initially, stick to soft or liquid foods and gradually introduce firmer foods as you get accustomed to wearing dentures.
    • Cut food into smaller pieces and chew slowly, using both sides of your mouth.
    • Avoid sticky or hard foods that may dislodge or damage your dentures.
  • How should I care for my dentures?

    • Remove and rinse your dentures after eating to remove any food particles.
    • Brush your dentures daily using a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive denture cleaner.
    • Avoid using regular toothpaste or harsh cleaners, as they can damage the denture material.
    • Soak your dentures in a denture cleaner or water overnight to keep them moist.
  • How often should I visit the dentist for denture check-ups?

    • Regular dental check-ups are important to ensure the proper fit and function of your dentures.
    • Your dentist will advise you on the frequency of check-ups based on your individual needs.
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